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The Dream of Democracy 民主夢


During the colonial period, Hongkoners had no significant impetus to push for democracy, since the speedy post-war development was not attributed to democratic governance, Britain was also hesitant to push for democracy. As a result, many locals accepted the status quo. As 1997 was approaching, Britain sought to maintain Hongkongers' already fragile confidence, and leave a political legacy by democratisation. However, the process was fraught with challenges related to negotiations between the UK and China. It resulted in a fragmented democracy transitioning beyond 1997.


1984 聯合聲明簽署航空郵簡 Aerogramme about the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration


This private aerogramme records the exact time when the Joint Declaration, which determined the future of Hong Kong, was signed. George Orwell's popular dystopian novel "1984," is a synonym for totalitarianism, often with government's deception, secret surveillance, and historical revisionism. It is very ironic that the fate of HK was sealed in 1984.

2014 六四晚會蠟燭及場刊 Candles & programme of the “June 4 candlelight vigil at Victoria Park”

中國在1989年6月4日殘暴鎮壓民主運動,令世界譁然。香港人多年來持續在維園燃點燭光悼念死難者。能否自由舉辦六四晚會乃國際社會觀察港人自由的指標,而晚會自2020年後就無法再舉辦了 。

On June 4, 1989, China brutally cracked down on the nationwide pro-democracy movement, causing a global uproar. For many years, Hongkongers have participated in candlelight vigils in Victoria Park to commemorate the event. Whether a free June 4th vigil could be held is an international indicator of the city's freedoms. The authorities in Hong Kong effectively banned it since 2020.

2004 基本法 Basic Law


The Basic Law, which was promulgated in 1990, is the constitutional document of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). It contextualises the high degree of autonomy for HKSAR under the Joint Declaration and the rights and freedoms that Hongkongers can exercise. However, Hongkongers didn't get a chance to approve this crucial constitutional document, through a referendum. Various aspects of it, such as the right to interpret it, Article 23 on national security, and the methods for universal suffrage, remain controversial.

1995 立法局選舉宣傳便條紙 Legislative Council (Legco) Election Promotional Memo


In 1995, HK had the highest level of democracy in its history. Governor Chris Patten initiated political reform, which abolished appointed seats in the Legislative Council and significantly enfranchised many in the city's workforce by creating the nine new functional constituencies. The criteria for functional constituencies, the election set a voter turnout record of 920,000. But the UK and China failed to reach a consensus on the transition of legislators, China replaced the Legco with a “Provisional Legco” that had no direct election component in 1997.

1997 區域市政局公共圖書館借書證 Regional Council Public Libraries Borrower’s Card


The Urban Council and the Regional Council, established in 1986 to manage municipal affairs in the New Territories, held financial autonomy and their members were elected by the public. In 1999, the first Chief Executive of HKSAR, Tung Chee-hwa abolished the two councils, which was seen as a major setback for democracy, and stalled HK's democratisation over a decade. The government also promised to transfer some of the councils' powers to the lower tier of councils (district councils) but this proved to be an empty promise.


2000 香港公共圖書館圖書證 Hong Kong Public Libraries Library Card


After the abolition of the two councils, recreational facilities were managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. However, in recent years, HK public libraries have increasingly censored books under the National Security Law, and the constraints have even been tighter than those in China.

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