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Waking Up 夢醒

即使有挫折,港人在中國統治下仍爭取民主,因為中國在主權移交前向世界承諾行政長官及立法會最終會由普選產生。 可是中方多次搬龍門,在2014年圖窮匕現, 香港人夢醒。

Despite setbacks, Hongkongers have continued to fight for democracy under Chinese rule because China promised universal suffrage for the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council eventually, before the handover. However, China repeatedly reneged on its promise. In 2014, the situation reached a tipping point. Hongkongers have woken up.

2013 2016、17年政改諮詢官方宣傳筆 Official Pen promoting Electoral Reform for 2016 & 2017 


After much delay to reform the electoral system, the HK government finally launched a large-scale consultation in 2013 to gather public opinion on the 2016 and 2017 universal suffrage proposals.

2014 全民政改商討日點票結果 Constitutional Reform Deliberation Day Voting Results


The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPCSC) passed the infamous “831 Decision” on August 31, 2014. It only permitted sham universal suffrage, and China’s betrayal rocked the society. The Umbrella Revolution erupted, major roads were occupied, tearing the society apart.

2016 立法會補選及換屆選舉文宣 Legco By-election & General Election Campaign Materials

雨傘革命失敗令到本土派受到愈來愈受支持 ,其中代表人物梁天琦參加了2016年立法會新界東選區補選,取得不少支持。港府在接下來的換屆選舉首次以政治理由取消他的參選資格,他改為支持其他人替代參選。梁頌恆、游蕙禎之後成功當選,卻連同其他議員因為就職宣誓風波,最終被取消議員資格。

The failure of the Umbrella Revolution led to increasing support for localism, and leading figures such as Edward Leung gained sizable support in the 2016 Legco by-election. Thus, in the following general election, for the first time in history, the HK government cancelled his candidacy, citing his political beliefs. He then supported other candidates. Regine Yau and Sixtus Leung were elected, but along with other lawmakers, they were ultimately disqualified from their positions due to controversy in the oath taking ceremony.

2017 行政長官選舉文宣 Chief Executive Election Campaign Material


The Chief Executive of HK has always been nominated and elected by a pro-Beijing Election Committee. Still, the mechanism allows candidates who are not favoured by Beijing to run for the position. During the 2017 election, the candidates included former Chief Secretary for Administration, Carrie Lam and former Financial Secretary, John Tsang. John Tsang was clearly more popular among the public, but Carrie Lam had Beijing's blessing and was ultimately elected.

2019 區議會選舉投票卡 District Council Ordinary Election Poll Card


District councils in HK are essentially local councils in the UK but only with consultation power, yet they are fully elected by voters. The 2019 election coincided with the peak of the anti-extradition bill protests. The voter turnout was the highest in history, and the pro-democracy camp won a landslide victory, which came as a shock to Beijing.

2019 示威旗幟 Flag for Protest

在2016年,本土民主前線的發言人梁天琦首次在立法會新界東地方選區的補選中提出了「時代革命」的概念。他強調,任何年齡的人都可以成為革新和改變的推動者。同年換屆選舉期間,青年新政也使用「光復香港,時代革命」作為他們的競選口號。 這口號啟發了不少人,並在2019年反修例運動成為極具號召力的口號。

In 2016, localist activist Edward Leung, who was a spokesperson of the Hong Kong Indigenous, first introduced the concept of the “revolution of our time” during a by-election in the New Territories East constituency of the Legislative Council. He emphasised that people of any age could be the driving force for change and reform. Later that year, during the general election, the political group Youngspiration also adopted “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time” as their campaign slogan. This slogan ultimately became a powerful chant in the 2019 protests.


2020 民主派立法會初選文宣 Pro-democracy Camp Legco Primary Election Campaign Material


The pro-democracy camp initially held primary elections to maximise their chances of winning the Legco general election. It aimed to win a majority of seats and leverage that to advocate for greater democracy. However, in June 2020, China imposed the National Security Law in Hong Kong and later postponed the general election. The electoral system was then significantly altered, effectively destroying the little democracy left in Hong Kong.

2020 毋忘十二手足透明卡 Save 12 HK Youth Transparent Card

反修例運動令不少人入獄,亦有不少人流亡,有的更是以偷渡的方式離開香港,例如乘坐小船往台灣。 可是有一次行動中有12個港人在怒海被中方攔截,移送中國大陸秘密關押良久,惹來各方聲援,才得以送返香港受審。

The anti-extradition bill movement resulted in the imprisonment of many citizens. Many felt compelled to flee HK, some even resorted to smuggling such as taking boats to Taiwan. In one incident, twelve  people were intercepted in the sea by China and secretly imprisoned outside HK. Their prolonged disappearances sparked widespread concern and condemnation, thus they were sent back to Hong Kong to face trials.

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