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Tomorrow will be Better? 明天會更好?

1997 特區成立首日封 Commemoration of the Establishment of the HKSAR First Day Cover 

1997 主權移交紀念幣 Handover commemorative coin set

這些硬幣均有寓意吉祥的傳統圖案。These coins feature auspicious traditional designs.

1998 香港國際機場首日封 Hong Kong International Airport First Day Cover

1989年港督衛奕信宣佈《機場核心計劃》在赤鱲角興建新機場。計劃旨在穩定香港人在六四事件後的嚴重信心危機,把未來描繪成玫瑰園般美好,故又稱《玫瑰園計劃》。耗資七百多億的新機場在1998年7月6日正式投入運作,隨即發生為時一個多月的混亂局面。後來其運作漸上軌道,加強了香港作為國際航空樞紐的地位。不過因為疫情,樞紐地位已不復再 。

Kai Tak Airport's various limitations have restricted the development of the aviation industry in HK. In 1989, Governor Sir David Wilson announced the “Hong Kong Airport Core Programme”which aimed to build a new airport on Chek Lap Kok Island and stabilise the severe confidence crisis among citizens after the June 4th massacre. This plan depicted HK's future as ideal as a rose garden, hence the "Rose Garden Project."

The new airport, which cost over HKD 70 billion, officially commenced operations on July 6, 1998. However, chaos then lasted over a month. Luckily, it gradually got on track and strengthened HK as an international aviation hub. However, due to COVID, this hub status isn’t as prominent as before.

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