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Watershed 分水嶺


The Hong Kong 1967 leftist riots were a series of anti-government riots. The Communist Party incited riots and strikes, in July it escalated into placing bombs on the streets, causing more than a hundred deaths and injuries, and citizens were terrified. Afterwards the government conducted a thorough enquiry and recognized the necessity to revolutionise the direction and way of governance.


紅Van樂高模型  Public Red Minibuses Lego Model

「紅Van」沿自白牌車,一種在五、六十年代只有九座位的輕型貨車, 穿梭於新界小鎮。雖然車費比巴士貴,但因為車程較短,效率高,很受歡迎。不過,白牌車始終是非法,所以當時警方不斷掃蕩。到了六七暴動,市區交通癱瘓,港府默許白牌車進入市區載客,深受市民歡迎,政府唯有在1969年把白牌車合法化。

The "Red Van" originated from the unlicensed vans, a type of light commercial vehicle with only nine seats that shuttled around New Territories towns during the 1950s and 1960s. Although the fare was more expensive than buses, these vans were popular due to their shorter travel time and higher efficiency. However, the police constantly crack down on them. During the 1967 riots, urban traffic was paralysed, and the government tacitly permitted these vans to enter the urban area, which was well-received by the public. The government was compelled to legalise them in 1969.


1968 印有洋紫荊及香港盾徽的通用郵票  Definitive Stamp Bearing Bauhinia & HK Coat of Arms

Colonial governance was called into question due to the riots. As a result, the newly issued definitive stamps shrunk the portrait of the Queen, and incorporated HK characteristics instead, such as featuring the new coat of arms and Bauhinia flower. A priest discovered the Bauhinia around 1880 in Telegraph Bay on Hong Kong Island. It is a precious hybrid plant which cannot reproduce on its own. In January 19, 1965, after a year-long proposal by the elected Urban Council, the government designated Bauhinia as the floral emblem of HK.


2019 十八樓C座50周年紀念郵票 18/F Block C 50th Anniversary Commemorative Stamp

《十八樓C座》是世界上歷史第二長久廣播劇,僅次BBC the archers是雷霆881製作的廣播劇,1968年7月3日19:15首播,劇中故事以座落於灣仔的「周記茶餐廳」的老闆員工與常客作為主線,諷刺時弊為主,引起不少港人共鳴。它的前身是《欲罷不能》和《冷眼旁觀》兩個廣播劇。六七暴動時,商業電台推出由林彬主講的廣播劇《欲罷不能》,諷刺罷工及暴力行為不得民心,他於同年8月24日與堂弟林光海一同遇害。

“18/F Block C” is the second longest-running radio drama in the world, second only to BBC "The Archers." Commercial Radio HK first broadcasted at 19:15 on July 3, 1968. The story revolves around the "Chow Kei's Cafe" owner, employees, and regulars in Wan Chai. The plot mainly satirises current events and societal issues, resonating with many locals.

It originated from two earlier satirical radio dramas. Commercial Radio launched them to satirise the 1967 strikes as being unpopular. The host Lam Bun was burnt alive alongside his cousin by assailants on Aug 24.

1973 香港節首日封 Festival of Hong Kong First Day Cover


At the beginning of 1968, the government began planning a large-scale event aimed at the entire population, in order to create a harmonious and joyful atmosphere through music and dance. The event was particularly intended to provide a lighthearted and enjoyable experience for young people, promote social cohesion, and encourage people to cherish hard-won stability. The first Hong Kong Festival was held in 1969, followed by 1971 and 1973. However, the government discontinued the festival, as its goals had been achieved and was no longer cost-effective.

2007 地鐵明信片及初代車票復刻版 MTR Postcards & First Generation Tickets. Reproduction

1968年,香港人口激增至四百多萬,交通擠塞嚴重。有見及此,港督麥理浩宣佈在任期間興建地下鐵路,計劃建立一套「高效、經濟、不造成污染」的系統。1979年,地鐵觀塘至石硤尾的路綫正式通車,1980年2月雅麗珊郡主主持地鐵過海儀式,港人可以乘坐地下鐵路跨越維多利亞港 。

In 1968, HK's population exceeded four million, leading to severe traffic congestion. In response, Governor Murray MacLehose announced plans to construct a mass transit railway (MTR) system, intending to establish an “efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly” system. In 1979, the first section of the MTR, from Kwun Tong to Shek Kip Mei, was officially opened. In February 1980, Princess Alexandra presided over the MTR’s first crossing of Victoria Harbour.

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